Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention

Tinnitus Complications

Tinnitus Complications
Tinnitus Complications

Tinnitus isn’t a terrible or life threating condition, but it can affect the quality of life. Most people get used to these sounds others succeed in ignoring such sounds, but 1 out 5 people find these sounds to be disturbing and traumatizing. Some of these complications are aggravation of symptoms of tinnitus.


People having severe tinnitus feel angry when they hear ringing or clicking sounds. 4-5% of people diagnosed with tinnitus experience misphonia. Misphonia is a condition where angry response is generated after listening to a certain noise. People with tinnitus do not like muffled or rhythmic sounds because it resembles their tinnitus sounds. Such people avoid public gathering because any sound can trigger their tinnitus and can generate a raging response. A possible explanation for this anger can be that such people are tired and irritated by their tinnitus and they find something that can trigger it.