Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention



Dietary advice for tinnitus remedy can be simply put as ‘go natural’. The dietary restrictions are not new; processed sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol etc., are always advised to be consumed carefully, tinnitus’ case is no exception. However, components in the diet that do help and their common sources are listed:

  • Zinc: zinc levels can be maintained via supplements or natural sources. Zinc helps in healing and hearing and have been established as protective factor in tinnitus. Dark chocolate, seafood like oysters, meat sources and spinach are good sources of zinc.
  • Vitamin B12: this vitamin is also available as supplements, and can be acquired from natural sources like meat and eggs etc.
  • Folate: folate is an important component of the metabolic processes of the body and is shown to alleviate tinnitus by controlling blood pressure. Some good natural sources are green vegetables and beans.
  • Potassium: this important ion regulates electrical conduction in neural circuit and also maintains blood fluidity. Apples, apricots, papayas and yoghurt are good natural sources of potassium.