Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention



The traditional medical approach uses certain herbs as dictated by ancient traditions. Some of these herbs have been investigated on the scientific basis for their efficacy, while the claimed benefits of other remain purely theoretical. Some main herbs used in some cultures are listed:

  • Jinseng: it is an herbal product being used in Chinese culture. The herb is claimed to cure hearing loss and tinnitus. The antioxidant properties of this herb seem to counter the tinnitus triggered by oxidative stress.
  • Garlic: this common herb is being used to reduce tinnitus symptoms by way of its blood pressure stabilizing property. Antioxidant mechanism is theoretically proposed to induce further benefits.
  • Gushen Pianas: this is also a Chinese herbal medicine for tinnitus. A controlled study did suggest that this herb can produce favorable effects.