Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention

Tinnitus Prevention

Tinnitus Prevention
Tinnitus Prevention

Although there is no medicine to cure the tinnitus but efforts can be made to prevent the tinnitus from happening or by managing the symptoms in order to prevent it from getting worse. Prevention is important if the tinnitus runs in the family or when wearing old. The best way to avoid tinnitus is to improve your hearing.

General wellness

A healthy lifestyle can help a great deal while trying to avoid tinnitus. Daily exercise, healthy diet can help works a great deal.  Learning how to manage stress, anxiety and healthy sleep can prevent tinnitus. Avoiding triggers like drinking alcohol, smoking, noisy concerts, hearing the loud music not only prevents tinnitus but also hearing loss. If the tinnitus happens at night, try listening to peaceful music which can help with sleep.