Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention

Attention deficit

Attention deficit
Attention deficit

Attention deficit and poor concentration stem from the constant nuisance due to tinnitus. In initial stages and in un-habituated patients, tinnitus can be very annoying. The brain being unable to filter or mask out the phantom noise, instead, focuses too much on it, which results in attention deficit. Attention deficit can manifest in three forms. In mild cases, the patient can manage to do work, but efficiency is limited. In more serious form, the patient cannot focus on the given task and all work ability is limited. In severe forms, tinnitus can become a disability, focusing and orientation of time and space and understanding of the task at hand is also compromised. Behavioral therapies can help in managing concentration and attention in tinnitus.