Toenail Fungus Guidelines

Toenail Fungus Stages

Toenail Fungus Stages
Toenail Fungus Stages

One of the most occurring disorders of the toes is a fungal infection of the toenail; it might be affecting most Americans by the age of 70 years. Fungus infection appears when and if microscopic fungi have entry via a small trauma in the nail and when it is not treated, might spread to the other toenails sometimes. Even though, the skin on the feet or the fingernails as well. In its early stages, nail fungal infections are only viewable with a color or texture change, occurring sometimes rarely as a yellowish or white dot under your nail. Because the alternation is only aesthetic, it is sometimes dismissed as nothing more than a trouble. (6)

Therefore, starting symptoms though seems harmless, go on to grow the infection and enhance the growth of fungus if it is not looked at properly. The early stages are the perfect time to begin the treatment, before the starting of mid-level or mid-stage when the nail gets thickened to the point that it might get tough and painful to survive, especially when wearing shoes, gloves, or doing any activities putting pressure to the affected area. If treatment is not done in this stage, the fungus will spread from each spot to the entire nail, or even to your other nails. At such a point, the entire nail is mostly a yellowish or another unpleasant color.

While the last and most severe stage, the fungus infected your nail and turns extremely brittle and abnormally thick because of the fungus development, spreading to the entire nail or some part of it to separate from the nail bed. Sometimes, the infection will spread to the nails and surrounding skin as well. A warm, damp environment breeds fungi a lot and your nail bed is the heart where toenail fungus is concerned. If the fungus takes a great hold under your nail, you might end up with a severe infection.

You require to visit a podiatrist if you look any of the serious symptoms of toenail fungal infections in the following:

Changes in nail color

If your nail turns chalky, white, or yellow, it is not a healthy sign. If it gets green or brown, it is quite a bad sign. It means the fungus has seriously gotten way out of control and your toe has an infection.

Nail position alteration

If your nail begins to curl upward or downward, it is time to take it seriously. If it turns away from the nail bed, you are in a real problem. It means the connection between your toe and your nail is being damaged by infection.

Bad smell

A strong smell comes over the nail area.

Changes in nail texture

If your nail breaks and gets brittle easily, it is a sign of a fungal infection that is altering the nail composition. If it gets chalky and soft and begins to crumble away, the infection is beginning to get worse.

  • Pronounced ridges
  • Increased ridges run over the nail.