Top 15 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Persimmon

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Persimmons

Persimmons are a unique and delicious fruit many worldwide enjoy. Originating in East Asia, this delightful treat has been cultivated for thousands of years. Its skin is usually thin and glossy, while its flesh is firm yet juicy and sweet. There are two main types: astringent (tannin-rich) and non-astringent (tannin-free). The astringent type needs to be ripe before consumption, while the non-astringent varieties eat either firm or soft. Not only does it taste great, but also provides a wealth of health benefits.

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Persimmons
15 Amazing Health Benefits of Persimmons

Persimmons Nutrition Facts:

Persimmons are delightfully sweet, crunchy, and slightly tart fruit packed with nutrition. This superfood offers many essential vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants. Here’s a closer look at the nutrition facts behind this delicious treat. One persimmon contains about 90 calories and dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, copper, and B vitamins.

Fiber helps to keep you feeling full longer while promoting good digestive health. Vitamin A helps to improve your eyesight, while vitamin C boosts your immune system. Manganese is great for bone formation, while potassium helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. The mineral copper helps produce red blood cells, and B vitamins provide energy throughout the day.

A 100g of persimmons have (1)

Calories 127
Carbohydrates 34 g
Proteins 0.8 g
Fats 0 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 1 mg
Potassium 310 mg
Vitamin C 110% of RDA*
Vitamin B6 1% of RDA
Iron 13% of RDA
Magnesium 2% of RDA

*RDA = Recommended daily intake