Top Home Remedies To Relieve Ankle Pain

Home Remedies For Ankle Pain

Home Remedies For Ankle Pain
Home Remedies For Ankle Pain

Here are some home remedies you can try for ankle pain.

  • Rest: Reducing physical activity for a few days can help your body recover. Avoid activities that strain your ankle. Resting your ankle will alleviate the pain in your foot and reduce swelling and inflammation. That’s why doctors recommend resting your ankle as much as possible as part of the RICE strategy.
  • Ice: Icing your ankle 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day can reduce pain and swelling. It is done to reduce inflammation, which will contribute to alleviating your pain. Apply ice to the foot and ankle for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours for 48 hours, and make sure that you have a towel in between to protect your skin from frostbite. You can also take an ice bath or introduce your affected foot to cold water.
  • Compression: Apply compression to your ankle by wearing an ankle brace or compression wrap. This will help limit swelling and provide support for your ankle. Wearing compression socks or braces can also improve circulation in some cases and prevent blood from pooling in your ankle area. Wrapping your ankle in an elastic bandage can also help, but ensure not to wrap it too tightly.
  • Elevation: Elevate your ankle above the level of your heart when you’re sleeping or lying down. This will help reduce the swelling in your ankle. Elevate your ankle whenever possible, especially if your work involves walking or standing for long periods.
  • Massage: Applying gentle, circular massage movements to your ankle can improve blood flow. You can massage your ankle with emu oil, tiger balm, or the herbal blends we will discuss below.
  • Eating right: Getting the proper amount of nutrients in your diet can help you will help your body recover faster. Remember, your organism needs the building blocks to create new cells and renew damaged tissue.
  • Wearing proper shoes: Wearing the right pair of shoes is important for those suffering from ankle pain. Be sure to wear shoes that fit well and provide adequate arch support. If you have a problem with your arches, such as flat feet, you must be diagnosed and use the orthopedic shoes prescribed by your doctor.