Urinary Tract Infection (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Common Causes of UTI

While all these signs and symptoms may sound doom-and-gloom, knowing the causes and risk factors for UTI can reduce your risk of developing a UTI. The common causes may include;

You eat a lot of sugar

Sugar intake is the primary cause of many metabolic diseases and infections. Bacteria that cause infections, including UTI, love feeding on glucose (sugar). So, eating sugar-laden food runs the risk of providing a safe heaven for infection-causing bacteria whenever your sweet tooth strikes.

According to the WebMD and Mayo clinic, if you eat tons of sugar or sugar-based products and get an acute surge in your blood sugar levels, you may end up most of this sugar undigested and excreting into the urine. This provides a fertile ground for bacterial growth and cause UTI. Foods and beverages like chocolate, coffee, and booze also irritate the delicate lining of the urinary tract and may contribute to exacerbating an existing UTI.