Urinary Tract Infection (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Complications , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

You Can’t Empty Your Bladder

This symptom is again attributed to the inflammation and swelling of the affected organs. Besides this, you might also experience that you have to pee right now, even if you just went and emptied your bladder. According to the MayoClinic, the inflammation also causes narrowing of the bladder opening that urine can pass through. It means you only urinate small amounts stored in your bladder each time.

This troublesome symptom can cause frequent trips to the bathroom. Furthermore, you will experience that every time only a few dribbles come out. Whatever the underlying cause may be, uncomfortable or painful changes to your normal bathroom routine may guarantee a medical trip to the physician. Your doctor will test you for the bladder inflammation and prescribe an antibiotic or other medications, if necessary.