Varicose Veins, Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Stage 3: Swelling of ankles and legs

When there is no proper healing of varicose veins, the third stage of vein disease comes when the ankles and legs start swelling. Due to the poor circulation of blood in the veins, the dilating veins start inflaming. Stage three of vein disease indicates the advancement of damage to the valves and veins and causes serious consequences for the patient. The swelling of ankles and legs severely impair the quality of life of the patient.

Some symptoms of stage 3 vein disease:

Tightness in ankles and calves

Difficult in walking

Itchy legs

The leathery appearance of the skin

Leg ulcers

Muscular spasms

Numbness near the varicose veins

Restless leg syndrome

Some causes of stage 3 vein disease:

Heart disease


Poor diet

Lack of exercise

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)

High blood pressure

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)