Vitamin C: Best Food Sources, Why You Need It, and More

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C Benefits
Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins which means that our body is not able to produce it. Moreover, vitamin C plays many roles and manifests impressive health benefits if you take it in adequate amounts. Vitamin C is water-soluble and is present in various vegetables and fruits including strawberries, kiwi fruit, oranges, kale, spinach, bell peppers, and broccoli. According to the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), the recommended daily intake for vitamin C is around 90 mg for women and 75 mg for men.  While the best way to get your vitamin C is through diet but many people turn to dietary supplements to fulfill their needs. Following are the scientifically proven vitamin C benefits that can improve your health tremendously:

May decrease the risk of chronic diseases

Vitamin C is a powerful vitamin with antioxidant properties that can provide strength to your body’s natural defense system. Antioxidants are substances that boost the function of immune system. They boost the immune system by protecting the body cells from toxic molecules known as free radicals. After accumulation, free radicals can lead to a state known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has a direct link with the development of many chronic diseases. Studies indicate that consumption of more and more vitamin C can elevate your antioxidants levels in the body up to 30%. Therefore, vitamin C helps the immune system of the body to fight against inflammation, heart disorders, and other oxidative stress disorders.