Vitamin C: Best Food Sources, Why You Need It, and More

Boosts immunity

Boosts immunity
Boosts immunity

One of the major reasons behind taking of vitamin C supplements among people is to boost the immunity as vitamin C involves in various parts of the immune system. Vitamin C helps in stimulating the production of white blood cells such as phagocytes and lymphocytes, which assist in protecting the body against infectious disease. In addition, vitamin C help the white blood cells to function more efficiently while providing them from any damage by potentially harming agents like free radicals.

Vitamin C is also an essential part of the defense system of skin. It actively reaches the skin where it can act as an antioxidant to help strengthen the skin barriers against attack of foreign particles. Studies reveal that vitamin C might shorten the time of wound healing and recovery from wounds. In addition, low levels of vitamin C have a link to poor health outcomes. People who suffer from pneumonia tend to have decreasing vitamin C levels as vitamin C supplements tend to shorten the recovery time.