Vitamin C: Best Food Sources, Why You Need It, and More

Vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency can occur even in developed countries as part of general undernutrition or poor diet practices but severe deficiency which leads to scurvy is uncommon. Some commonly occurring symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include depression, rash, fatigue, internal bleeding, connective tissue disorders, gingivitis, impaired wound healing, and petechial. In children and infants, the growth of bones may suffer severe impairment due to vitamin C deficiency. The diagnosis of vitamin C deficiency is mostly clinical and the doctors usually recommend taking oral supplements to treat the deficiency.

Vitamin C plays an important role in numerous body functions so its deficiency can cause apparent deleterious effects on health. Severe deficiency of vitamin C results in a disorder known as scurvy which characterizes by abnormal osteoid or dentin formation and hemorrhagic manifestations.