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Weight In Relation To Health

Weight in relation to health
Weight in relation to health

Weight is a direct indicator of the overall health of an individual. Maintaining a healthy weight may be difficult, but it does have many advantages as compared to being overweight or underweight. A primary contributor to weight and health is good and nutritious diet.  Fit individual can work to their full capacity, physically, socially and economically.

On the other hand, an overweight human lives a low-quality life; it is a vicious cycle in which weight hinders physical activity, and physical inactivity can then cause more weight gain. Being overweight exposes a man to many different health issues. The human heart has to perform more work resulting in problems like high blood pressure, increase in cholesterol level, which at the same time makes the body more vulnerable to diabetes and other issues. Other most common diseases in an obese body, include various types of cancer, for example, breast cancer and colon cancer, gallbladder disease, strokes, breathing problems, and osteoarthritis which affects the joints of the body. Mental issues also become a major concern in obese patients, which includes anxiety, depression, and other health issues. Weight loss, hence, is a common objective in prevention and treatment of medical cases in obese patients. It can help deal with cardiovascular problems, cholesterol reduction and also also promotes a healthy blood flow through the body. All of this collectively can contribute to the general health and management of diseases.

Being underweight still is a risk factor for malnutrition. An underfed body becomes lazy and tired. The body may become deficient in vitamin D or calcium consequently resulting in osteoporosis because of less food intake. In children and teenagers, growth and development are affected because of insufficient nutrition. The immune system also slows down, which increases the risk of contracting various diseases and complications during surgeries. In females, a diet of low nutritional value, disturbs the menstrual cycle. Increased hair loss and teeth problems are also due to a less nutritious diet.