What Are Cataracts? Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosing, Cataracts Surgery, Cataracts Surgery Recovery, Cataracts Surgery Cost, Cataracts Prevention

Cataract Prevention

Cataract prevention
Cataract prevention

Taking precaution to avoid illnesses is very necessary. Treating illness afterwards leads to pain and is costly, so it is best to try to prevent illnesses. Although, it is very difficult to prevent cataract but by taking precautions a person can reduce the risk of developing cataract.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses can prevent cataract formation. With the help of sunglasses, the ultraviolet radiations from the sun are unable to reach the eyes, which prevents the rays from damaging the lens fiber. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun are of high energy and can penetrate deep into the eye lens which results in denaturing of the eye protein. People having genetic mutations are at higher risk of developing cataract from UV radiations. Such people should wear sunglasses whenever they go out in the sun.