What Are The First Signs of Hip Problems?

Weight Loss and Fatigue

These symptoms are found in patients with cancer, and cancer in the hip articulation is also possible. It is perhaps not the most common diagnosis, and there are plenty of causes to rule out first. However, if you’re not planning to lose weight and are eating and exercising, as usual, accelerated weight loss can alert you that something wrong is going on with your metabolism. On the other hand, fatigue is a very severe symptom and not the usual tiredness after a long day at work. If you still feel exhausted after resting or sleeping your night hours, talk to your doctor about it as soon as possible.

  • Radiated pain: In some cases, it will be tough to locate pain precisely. We mentioned dull pain above, which can happen in hip arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. But radiated pain is different because it is a type of pain that migrates to another part of your body. Nerve entrapment syndromes trigger these symptoms. The direction of pain depends on the affected nerve and the trajectory it has through your buttocks or lower limbs.