Uterine Fibroids: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Natural Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Medical Treatment

Bowel Issues

Bowel issues
Bowel issues

Uterine fibroids might also lead to compression on the bowels and the resulting pressure can cause the feelings of bloating or even constipation. Fibroids growing in the distal part of the uterus might press against the rectum leading to a sense of rectal fullness, pain with bowel movements, and difficulty to pass the bowels. In some cases, the fibroids might cause the development of hemorrhoids. Women with larger fibroids in their uterus might feel a sense of heaviness or pressure in their pelvis area. Some women often describe the pressure on bowels as a sharp pain rather than just a vague sense of discomfort. An enlarged uterus can make it difficult to exercise, bend over, and to lie down without any discomfort.