What Causes Dry Eyes?

Nutritional deficiency

Nutritional deficiency
Nutritional deficiency

Taking a diet that is low in vitamin A that is present in carrots, liver, and broccoli also low in omega 3 fatty acids that are present in walnuts, fish, and vegetable oils. People who are having dry eyes might face some problems including some sort of eye infection. In an eye infection, the surface of the eyes gets infected. Without sufficient adequate tears, you might have an increased risk of having an eye infection. It might damage the surface of an eye. If it is left untreated, you might face severe dry eyes that might lead to eye inflammation, corneal ulcers, abrasion of the corneal surface, and loss of vision. Also, the decrease in the quality of life, dry eyes might make it hard to perform the activities of every day such as working, reading, cooking, walking, etc.