What Do You Want to Know About Meningitis? Discover Now !!


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to prevent meningitis, especially if you are at increased risk. There is a long list of preventive measures you can take to avoid catching this deadly infection, however, you should take following essential steps to avoid catching meningitis;

  • Not smoking
  • Avoiding contact with sick people to reduce the chances of infection spread. (You can avoid sharing utensils, drinks, and personal things that may carry bacteria from their saliva.)
  • Getting adequate amounts of rest
  • Good personal hygiene practices such as regularly washing hands, bathing and cutting nails are often recommended by doctors and other professionals to help you prevent meningitis.

Take preventive antibiotics if you have been in close contact with people who have a bacterial meningococcal infection. Getting vaccinated after an interval of two to three years can also provide protection against certain strains of bacterial and viral meningitis.