What Do You Want to Know About Meningitis? Discover Now !!


As meningitis causes the brain to swell, it may lead to extreme confusion, memory loss, lack of focus, insomnia, dizziness, difficulty waking up and lethargy. Sudden confusion, along with any of the three primary symptoms of meningitis, should be reviewed by a physician as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of meningitis. Severe cases of meningeal swelling, especially due to bacterial infections have the ability to worsen quickly and cause lasting damage.

Confusion can manifest itself in several different forms. You could completely forget important milestones in your life such as getting married or having children, your memories might not be clear, or you could have difficulty distinguishing between what’s a dream versus what’s real. For some people suffering from meningitis, the confusion can last for weeks to months and be very troublesome to deal with. It can affect all areas of your life and may lead to frustration and embarrassment. Until your symptoms go away, you may not be able to perform the routine activities you usually love to do at home or during working hours. A patient support system can help ease the emotional loss that confusion or memory loss can have on your life.