What is Acne? Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Complications, Home Remedies, Treatment

Symptoms Of Acne

Symptoms Of Acne
Symptoms Of Acne

Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition. Its symptoms and presentation can involve multiple forms of skin eruptions that are differentiated on the basis of microscopic and clinical appearance. The symptoms of acne vary from person to person. Acne symptoms depend on the severity of acne but nearly all the symptoms are quite typical. [2]

Presentation of mild acne

It is the most acute form of acne disease. It is mild in its spread and also its clinical presentations. Mild acne involves only localized areas on the face or body, such as, nose, chin or shoulders. It can be caused by acute metabolic alterations due to some dietary components such as milk. Hormonal fluctuations seen in and about the menstrual cycle are a common cause of mild breakout of acne in teenage girls. Other fluctuations in the emotions such as stress around the exam time, can also cause acne bursts. Mild acne is characterized by:

  • Fewer breakouts that may be traced to some preferred point in time.
  • Less inflammation
  • Less or no redness
  • Rarely any pimple or papule.
  • Whiteheads, that are closed pores, plugged with sebum and dead cells.
  • Blackheads, that are open pores, plugged with sebaceous secretion and dead cell debris.

Mild acne majorly consists of whiteheads and blackheads and does not leave any marks after it is gone. Mild acne can be easily treated by identifying the precipitating factor. De-stressing, normalizing of hormonal balance after an abrupt fluctuation, or modifications in diet can counter mild acne. For curing this type of acne, you can adopt a healthy lifestyle as well as medicine. A variety of medicines are available over the counter, that is, they do not require a prescription. It can progress to more serious forms if it is not properly countered at this stage.