What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Types, Stages, LifeExpectancy, Complications & Treatment

Types of Alzheimer’s

Types on the basis of severity
Types on the basis of severity

There are various types of Alzheimer’s disease and here is the description of these types: [5]

Types on the basis of severity

Considering the severity of the Alzheimer’s symptoms, we can divide it into the following subtypes:

  • Mild Alzheimer’s : Mild Alzheimer’s include the initiation of cognitive decline which results in the difficulties to remember daily routine tasks such as paying bills, things at work, and others. As the symptoms of this type are not really serious, the patients try to stay function with a specific degree of difficulty. It takes quite long for the patients having mild Alzheimer’s to do the same task which they can do quickly and it develops as a pattern for them.
  • Moderate Alzheimer’s: There is a significant level of damage happening to the neurons at the stage of moderate Alzheimer’s and the symptoms also get more intense. The degree of confusion and agitation gets worse and because of the memory loss, the patients tend to depend more on others. The patients having moderate Alzheimer’s are not able to do daily routine activities but they are physically agile. The delusional thoughts start taking over their sensory processing and they remain in the state of paranoia or confusion.
  • Severe Alzheimer’s: In the severe Alzheimer’s subtype, the tau tangles and plaques start spreading all over the brain and the neurons begin to die which leads to the shrinkage of tissues in brain. The patients are typically not able to communicate and are bedridden.