What Is Cluster Headache?

Cluster Headaches Diagnosis

Cluster Headaches Diagnosis

If you have cluster headaches, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. He or she will also do a physical exam to look for any other possible causes of your pain. There is no specific test to diagnose cluster headaches. Your doctor will likely base his or her diagnosis on your symptoms and medical history. (6)

A neurological examination is necessary to diagnose cluster headaches. This exam includes a variety of tests that help to determine whether or not a person is experiencing cluster headaches and the severity of the condition. Some of the tests that may be performed include a physical exam, blood tests, imaging tests, and nerve testing.

Physical exam

A physical exam is an important part and often the first step in diagnosing cluster headaches. The exam may include a review of your medical history and symptoms, as well as a physical examination. The doctor will look for any signs of a neurological problem. He or she will also check the eyes and neck for any abnormalities.

Blood tests

Certain blood tests can help diagnose cluster headaches. These tests can help determine if there is an underlying medical condition causing the cluster headaches. Tests that may be used include a complete blood count (CBC), a liver function test, and a thyroid function test.

  • Complete blood count A complete blood count is a common test used to help diagnose cluster headaches. It may be ordered if you have symptoms that suggest you may have a cluster headache, such as a sudden onset of severe pain on one side of your head, changes in your vision, or excessive sweating.
  • Liver function test A liver function test measures various enzymes and proteins that are produced by the liver. If these levels are abnormal, it could indicate that the person is suffering from a problem with their liver. This information could then be used to help determine the cause of the cluster headaches.
  • Thyroid function test – A thyroid function test may be recommended to help diagnose cluster headaches. It measures how much thyroid hormones are in the blood. Abnormal levels of thyroid hormones may be associated with cluster headaches.

Imaging tests

There are several imaging tests that can be used to help diagnose cluster headaches. A CT scan or MRI can help to rule out other causes of the symptoms, such as a tumor or aneurysm. A PET scan can also be used to identify changes in the brain that may be associated with cluster headaches.

  • CT scan – If you’re experiencing severe, recurring headaches and haven’t found relief from other treatments, you may want to ask your doctor about a CT scan to diagnose cluster headaches. The main advantage of using a CT scan to diagnose cluster headaches is that it can help rule out other conditions that may be causing your symptoms. For example, a CT scan can help determine if you have a tumor or an aneurysm.
  • MRI – Now researchers say they may have found a way to diagnose cluster headaches using MRI scans. In a review, scientists used MRI scans to look at the brains of people with and without cluster headaches. The scans showed that people with cluster headaches had changes in certain areas of their brain. The findings could help doctors diagnose cluster headaches more accurately, and may lead to new treatments for the condition.
  • PET scan – A PET scan may help to rule out other causes of the headaches and confirm a diagnosis of cluster headaches. A PET scan uses a radioactive dye to create images of the inside of the body. This test can help to identify abnormalities in the brain that may be causing the cluster headaches.

Nerve testing

Nerve testing may be used to help diagnose cluster headaches. This type of testing measures the electrical activity in the nerves. It can help determine if there is a problem with the nerve function that may be causing the cluster headaches.