What Is Cluster Headache?

Cluster Headaches Medications

Cluster Headaches Medications

Medications are often the first line treatment option for cluster headaches. Certain medications can help relieve cluster headaches and prevent them from happening. There are two types of medications used to treat cluster headaches: abortive medications and preventive medications. (8)

Abortive medications

These medications are used to stop a headache once it has started. These medications include;

  • Triptans – One of the most effective treatments for cluster headaches is triptans. Triptans are a class of medications that work by mimicking the effects of serotonin (narrowing blood vessels in the head and helping to stop the pain signals from the brain). Serotonin is believed to play a role in migraine and cluster headaches. They are available in pill form, nasal spray form, or injection form. Triptans are generally considered safe and effective for the treatment of cluster headaches.
  • Dihydroergotamine (DHE) – DHE is a medication that is used to treat migraines. It is also effective at treating cluster headaches. Doctors may prescribe dihydroergotamine or severe cluster headaches. It works by narrowing the blood vessels in the head. This helps to stop the pain signals from reaching the brain. There are different ways to take DHE, including an injection, a nasal spray, or a pill. The most common way to take it is as a nasal spray. The nasal spray has been shown to be effective in treating cluster headaches.

Preventive medications

These medications are used to keep cluster headaches from happening. These medications include beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and anticonvulsants.

  • Beta blockers -. Beta blockers are one treatment option that may be effective for preventing cluster headaches. These are a class of drugs that work by blocking the effects of adrenaline on the body. They are often prescribed to people with high blood pressure or heart disease. Studies have shown that beta blockers may also be effective in treating cluster headaches. One study found that a beta blocker called propranolol was able to reduce the number of cluster headaches experienced by participants by 50 percent. Another study found that another beta blocker, timolol, was able to reduce the number of cluster headaches experienced by participants by 66 percent.
  • Calcium channel blockers – Cluster headaches can be prevented with calcium channel blockers, which help to reduce the inflammation that is believed to cause the headaches. Studies and medical reviews have shown that these medications are effective at preventing cluster headaches, and they can also be used to treat acute attacks.
  • Anticonvulsants – Anticonvulsants are medications that are used to treat seizures. However, they have also been found to be helpful in treating and preventing cluster headaches. In fact, they are one of the most effective treatments for this type of headache. Some of the most commonly used anticonvulsants for cluster headaches include topiramate (Topamax), valproate (Depakote), and zonisamide (Zonegran). These medications work by blocking certain channels in the brain that are thought to be involved in causing cluster headaches. Your doctor will be in a best position to decide which medication is best for you based on your symptoms and other medical conditions you may have.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy involves breathing in pure oxygen through a mask or tube. It is thought to help relieve cluster headaches by widening the blood vessels and reducing inflammation. Research on oxygen therapy for cluster headaches is limited, but some studies suggest it may be effective in relieving pain.

If you are suffering from cluster headaches, talk to your doctor about whether oxygen therapy might be right for you.


There are several types of injections that can be used, depending on the cause of the cluster headaches. The most common type of injection is an injection of corticosteroids. This type of injection is used to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. Another type of injection is a nerve block. This type of injection blocks pain signals from the nerves to the brain. It may be used to treat chronic cluster headaches or to prevent cluster headaches from occurring. (9)


Sumatriptan injections are a treatment option for cluster headaches. It is an injectable medication that helps to relieve pain and other symptoms of a migraine attack. It is not clear how sumatriptan works to treat cluster headaches, but it is thought that it may help to reduce inflammation in the blood vessels in the head. Cluster headaches are usually treated with a dose of 6 mg of sumatriptan injected under the skin. If this does not relieve the headache, a higher dose (12 mg) may be used.


For people who cannot take or do not respond to other medications, nerve block treatments may be an option. A nerve block numbs the nerves in a specific area. For cluster headaches, the medication is injected into the area around the temples and eyes. The most common medication used for this purpose is lidocaine.

Lidocaine is a medication that is injected directly into the area around the blood vessels that supply the head and neck. It blocks the transmission of pain signals from these blood vessels to the brain. Lidocaine injections have been shown to be effective in relieving pain in people with cluster headaches.


Corticosteroids are a class of drugs that include hormones such as cortisol and synthetic drugs such as prednisone. They are used to treat a variety of conditions, including asthma, allergies, and autoimmune diseases. Corticosteroids can also be effective in treating cluster headaches, especially when they are used early in an attack. Some potential side effects of corticosteroids include weight gain, mood swings, insomnia, and high blood pressure.


Cortisol can help lessen the pain. It is naturally produced by the adrenal gland and helps to reduce inflammation and may help to prevent cluster headaches from occurring. Synthetic cortisol can be taken as a pill, an injection, or a nasal spray.


Prednisone is a corticosteroid medication that helps to reduce inflammation. It is often used to treat other conditions such as asthma, allergies, and skin conditions. For people with cluster headaches, prednisone may provide relief from the pain and allow them to resume their normal activities. However, like all medications, prednisone has side effects. The most common side effects are weight gain, fluid retention, and mood changes.