What Is Cluster Headache?

Cluster Headaches Surgery

Cluster Headaches Surgery

Surgery is sometimes used to treat cluster headaches, especially when other treatments haven’t worked. There are two types of surgery that can be used to treat cluster headaches: surgery to cut the nerves that supply the forehead, and surgery to remove the part of the brain that is suspected to be causing the cluster headaches. The type of surgery most effective for a particular person will depend on the individual’s symptoms and medical history. Surgical intervention is considered a last resort treatment for cluster headaches, and it is not always successful. (10)

Surgery to cut the nerves

This surgery cuts the nerves that supply the head and neck region. This procedure is known as a trigeminal rhizotomy. It is a relatively new treatment, and not many people have had it done. The surgery involves cutting some of the nerves that run along the side of the head. This cuts off the pain signals that go to the brain.

This surgery is usually reserved for people who have not responded to other treatments, or for those who experience very severe cluster headaches.

Cluster headaches are a rare but extremely painful type of headache that can occur several times a day for weeks or months, and then disappear for long periods of time. A new study suggests that surgery to cut the trigeminal nerve may be an effective treatment for cluster headaches. The study included 100 people with chronic cluster headaches who were randomly assigned to receive either surgery or medical treatment. The results showed that 60% of people who received surgery were free of headaches at 6 months, compared to only 5% of those who received medical treatment. There are some risks associated with trigeminal rhizotomy, including facial numbness and paralysis.

Surgery to remove part of the skull (craniotomy)

This type of surgery is usually used when other treatments have not been successful, or when there is evidence of damage to the brain caused by cluster headaches.

One treatment is surgery to remove part of the skull. This surgery is called an anterior temporal lobectomy (a sub-type of craniotomy). It is a fairly new procedure that has been shown to be effective in treating cluster headaches. It involves removing part of the skull behind the temple on one side of the head. This removes the part of the brain where the cluster headaches seem to originate.

This surgery is not without risks, however. It can cause seizures, memory problems, and other complications.