What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? How Does CBT Work?

CBT Techniques For OCD

CBT Techniques For OCD
CBT Techniques For OCD

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) includes a range of therapy approaches that are effective at treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), including response prevention, exposure, and cognitive reorganization. Within weeks of receiving CBT treatment for OCD, most people notice improvement.

In general, OCD treatment is short-term, but it has lasting therapeutic advantages. CBT generally comprises one-hour weekly sessions lasting for about six months, or as long as the individual experiences symptoms of OCD. The majority of CBT-treated diagnoses require the client to work beyond the therapy session in order to receive the most benefit.

Treatments for OCD commonly used by CBT:

CBT is commonly used to treat OCD patients using the techniques listed below. People suffering from anxiety can benefit from exercises like progressive muscle

relaxation and deep breathing.

The following are four common CBT techniques for treating OCD:

  1. Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)

Exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) may be the best CBT option for treating OCD. Stress-inducing obsessive thoughts are played out in this way without allowing the patient to indulge in the compulsive behavior.

Doing so prohibits them from examining the temporary relief connected with the pressure and compels them to deal with their anxiety until their anxiety subsides and they become numb to it.

ERP consists of the following components:

    • In vivo exposure: “Real-life exposure” in which someone is repeatedly placed into the presence of a stressful situation for a sustained period of time.
    • Imaginal exposure: Visualizing a feared stimulus and imagining the consequences if that stimulus is presented.
    • Response or ritual prevention: Refusing to engage in ritualistic behaviors after the feared stimulus has been experienced.
  1. Practicing Deep Breathing

Breathing exercises are extremely helpful for treating anxiety associated with OCD, and can also be beneficial during the ERP process. Deep breathing exercises come in many forms, but they all aim at reducing the rate of breathing and heart rate, resulting in a sense of calm.

  1. The Progressive Relaxation of Muscles

Progressive muscle relaxation involves physically tightening and releasing tension throughout the body. Our bodies can enter the fight-or-flight response when we are stressed or anxious, often creating tension throughout the body. In order to manage stress, one must train the body to detach from this response.

  1. Cognitive Restructuring/CBT

The goal of cognitive restructuring is to replace irrational thinking or thought patterns with rational counterparts that are grounded in reality. Using facts to challenge emotionally motivated thoughts is the goal.