What is Down Syndrome?

Other Problems

Apart from having a specific set of mental and physical symptoms, people with Down syndrome can also develop a complete range of other conditions. Almost one in every ten individuals with Down syndrome face gastrointestinal defects, which can often be treated with surgical intervention. Also, most of the patients experience problems related to the thyroid gland, which can in turn affect weight and metabolism. In extreme cases, patients with Down syndrome may develop leukemia (blood cancer).

Other symptoms may include:

  • Eyes that are slanted at the outer corner
  • Short neck
  • Flat noses
  • Short stature
  • Weak muscle tone
  • Loose joints
  • Small ears
  • Small hands and feet
  • Protruding tongue
  • Tiny white spots in the eyes

Many individuals with Down syndrome don’t possess any other health issues, but some do. Some common conditions include trouble hearing and seeing and heart problems.