What Is Gynecomastia? How Does It Affect Men and Boys?

Gynecomastia Causes

Gynecomastia Causes
Gynecomastia Causes

The events that lead to development of enlarged breasts in men have been discussed above. Concentration of hormones, and correlated effects of other organs on hormone metabolism may, in turn, affect the hormonal impact on the breast tissue, which undergoes proliferation or regression as a response. There are certain causative factors which drive this chain of events.

Hormonal imbalance

The testosterone to estrogen ratio is the primary determinant of gynecomastia. Human body faces hormonal fluctuations at the time of puberty and senescence. Birth is another point in time where the body adjusts the internal mechanisms in response to the hormonal fluctuations faced due to maternal hormones.

The placenta in pregnancy starts producing estrogen, which is transported to the developing fetus. Babies, therefore, under the effect of maternal estrogen develop palpable mass in breasts.