What Is Gynecomastia? How Does It Affect Men and Boys?



Sometimes, due to the presence of excess fat in the breast area, the entire breast tissue is removed. The extent of gynecomastia determines the type of mastectomy surgery. The patient is given sedatives in order to avoid any discomfort during the operation. A surgeon will be assigned with the task of removing the breast tissue while a cosmetic surgeon will be there to shape and reconstruct the breast shape. The breast tissue and surrounding lymph nodes will be removed accordingly. After the tissue and lymph nodes are removed, the remaining tissue are attached with the help of stitches. In order to drain the excess fluids and avoid any further complication two plastic tubes, are placed to drain the fluid.


Mastectomy is less invasive than liposuction surgery, so it requires less recovery time. The doctor will keep the patient under observation for an hour or two to keep a check on the vitals and heart rate. Painkillers and antibiotics are also prescribed to avoid infection in the area. If fat is removed from both breasts, the doctor might advise the patient to stay overnight in the hospital. Wearing tight clothes is also advised for the swelling to recede.

Risk and side effects

Mastectomy is an effective surgery, however, it does have certain side effects.

  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Fluid drainage
  • Numbness
  • Scarring

Post-surgical measures

Both the surgeries provide a long term solution for gynecomastia but proper care should be adopted in order to maintain the muscle structure. Eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly is necessary in order to retain the strength in your muscle. Home remedies along with exercise will reduce the risk of gynecomastia in the future.


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