What Is Gynecomastia? How Does It Affect Men and Boys?

Other systemic signs and symptoms

Other systemic signs and symptoms
Other systemic signs and symptoms

In cases where gynecomastia persists due to hypogonadism or testosterone deficiency, there may be other associated symptoms owing to diminished effects of testosterone. This includes poor development of secondary sexual characteristics; feminine of the voice, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, less masculine hair growth and muscle development.

In elderly males, where gynecomastia is secondary to organ malfunction, associated symptoms of the relevant organ may be a presentation. Kidney disease leading to gynecomastia also presents with fatigue and weakness. In case liver disease is the causative factor behind gynecomastia, associated symptoms of skin discoloration may be seen. Disorders of the thyroid gland may be associated with other systemic signs and symptoms.

Gynecomastia in the background of obesity, manifests as general metabolic disturbances, decreased quality of life, and other side-effects of physical inactivity. There may be an additional risk for obesity related diseases, like diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.