What is melasma?


Carotenoids are organic compounds present in a variety of foods, including vegetables and fruits, as humans are incapable of producing carotenoids on their own, so the carotenoids coming from food sources is of divine importance. Certain carotenoids like fucoxanthin and B-cryptoxanthin are very important for inhibiting the process of melanin formation. Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid naturally present in sea algae, which displays depigmenting effects on the skin areas suffering from melasma. Fucoxanthin greatly inhibits the process of melanin pigment formation by not letting the UV rays affecting the skin cells. There is a suppression of stimulants in the process of melanogenesis by the fucoxanthin carotenoids, which reduce the further production of melanin. Another important carotenoid is B-cryptoxanthin, which is present in citrus fruits and other varieties of foods. The oral administration of this carotenoids reduces the formation of melanin resulting due to UV rays induction. B-cryptoxanthin also suppresses the activity of certain melanocytic hormones and thus fighting melasma naturally. The use of these carotenoids also helps in reducing any inflammation occurring in the melasma affected skin.