What is Narcolepsy

Sleeping pattern and narcolepsy

Sleeping pattern and narcolepsy

Moreover, the people having narcolepsy might enter REM sleep from a waking state directly instead of going through the typical progression from awake, by going into deep sleep and eventually into REM sleep. In the case of a normal human, the person progresses through certain levels of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and then ultimately into rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. In addition whenever a person enters the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, he or she are more likely to dream and the muscles mostly in the body go into paralysis and the eyes might move back and forth beneath the eyelids. While for a person having narcolepsy, the symptoms of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep might shift with staying awake or falling to sleep. The reason of this sleep and wake cycle overlap during the day is that when person is awake a strong emotion might stimulate the catsplexy or sudden muscle paralysis.