What Is Sacroiliitis, and How Does It Affect Arthritis?

Therapy Options for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Therapy Options for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Therapy Options for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Physical therapy is often recommended to help reduce inflammation and pain in the sacroiliac joint. Physiotherapy can help to treat sacroiliitis by improving range of motion and strength in the joint, as well as relieving pain. Therapists may use a variety of techniques to help improve mobility and function in people with sacroiliitis, including heat or cold treatment, massage, and exercises. Exercises may include stretches and exercises that increase flexibility and range of motion, as well as exercises that strengthen the muscles around the joint. Hot or cold packs may also be used to relieve pain and inflammation.

Electrical stimulation physical therapy is an increasingly popular treatment for sacroiliitis. The therapy uses tiny electrical currents to stimulate the muscles and nerves around the joint. This can help reduce inflammation and pain. It can also help improve range of motion and strength in the affected area.

A new study has found that a specific type of physical therapy may be helpful for treating sacroiliitis. The study involved 63 people with sacroiliitis who were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group received 12 weeks of physical therapy, while the other group received no treatment.

At the end of the 12-week period, the group that received physical therapy reported significantly less pain and improved function compared to the group that did not receive treatment. In addition, MRI scans showed significant reductions in inflammation in the joints of those who received physical therapy. These findings suggest that physical therapy may be an effective treatment for sacroiliitis.