What Is Skin Cancer?

Skin Cancer Diagnosis


The diagnosis of skin cancer can be made quite easily. If you find any suspicious outgrowth or spot on your skin or notice any change in the existing spot, you can make an appointment with the doctor or dermatologist who will then examine the skin. You can also get help from any specialist for diagnosis.

Your doctor or expert will examine the shape, color, size, and texture of the skin’s propitious area. The specialist will also check for scarring, bleeding, and dry patches. If the doctor detects that it might be cancerous, he might perform a biopsy.

In a simple procedure, a small suspicious part pr portion of the skin is removed with a scapula’s help, and then it is sent to the lab for testing. The lab results to make sure if the growth is cancerous or not.

If skin cancer is diagnosed, additional testing will be required to know how far it’s cancer progressed or the stage of cancer. The recommended treatment plan is also dependent upon the stage of skin cancer as well as its type.


Dermatologists perform skin screening. It is an easy procedure in which the doctor examines every inch of the skin to notice any unusual mole or spots. Early detection is better to ensure the successful treatment of cancer.

You can also follow a self-examination routine to check your skin for cancer. It includes the body areas not exposed to the sun because melanoma is prone to developing in an area that is not exposed to the sun, so checking those areas will help in early diagnosis of the disease, making treatment easy.