What Is Skin Cancer?

Skin Cancer Treatment


Cancer, no doubt, is a stubborn disease. There are various treatment methods followed to cure cancer. Some treatments help cure the disease, while some are less effective for which other treatments are applied. One of the biggest threats of cancer is its reoccurrence. Cancer never eliminates from the roots. There are always chances of its coming back. Some of the major treatments followed to cure skin cancer include.


Chemotherapy is a common treatment for many types of cancer. These anti-cancer drugs target the cancerous cells either in target areas or in the whole body. The chemotherapy drugs travel through the bloodstream into the cancer cells; it is known as systemic chemotherapy. If the drugs are for a specified area, then it is called regional chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy drugs can be administered orally by mouth or through infusion directly into the vein with the help of intravenous drip. Infusion is a time-consuming process. The chemotherapeutic drug can also be administered through injection. The injection is injected into the muscle.

These drugs are very powerful and carry side effects. Consultation with a doctor is very important before the administration of these drugs.

The dosage of drug prescribed depends on many factors, including the cancer stage, patients’ health, previous cancer treatments, and personal preference.

Merkel cell carcinoma is an advanced type of skin cancer that can spread through the whole body. Chemotherapy is a better option for this kind of cancer as it slows down the growth of rapidly dividing tumor cells.