When To Worry About Skin Rash In Adults & Childerns? Skin Rash : Definition, Skin Rash Symptoms, Common Causes Of Skin Rashes, 22 Common Skin Rashes Types, Diagnosis , Prevention,Treatment ( Medication & Home Remedies )

Plaque Formation On Skin

Plaque formation on skin
Plaque formation on skin

New skin cells rapidly reach the outermost layer of the skin contrary to the normal when it takes usually several weeks for the new skin to reach the outermost layers of the skin. the rapid increase in new skin cell formation causes the formation of plaques on the skin which lead to red, itchy patches thus forming skin rashes. As the white blood cells and the dead skin on the outermost layer of the skin do not get the proper time to shed normally, they start building up. The buildup of dead skin and white blood cells creates a scaly and thick plaque on the surface of the skin. Some common areas which suffer from plaque formation on their surface are the scalp, ears, face, arms, and legs.