When To Worry About Skin Rash In Adults & Childerns? Skin Rash : Definition, Skin Rash Symptoms, Common Causes Of Skin Rashes, 22 Common Skin Rashes Types, Diagnosis , Prevention,Treatment ( Medication & Home Remedies )

Scalded Skin Appearance

Scalded skin appearance
Scalded skin appearance

Scalded skin appearance is another symptom of skin rashes which indicates the presence of a serious skin infection known as staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). The staphylococcus bacterium attacks the outer layer of the skin and produces a toxin which causes exfoliation of the skin. The exfoliating toxin causes the outer layer of the skin to peel and form blisters thus adding to the appearance of scalded skin. The scalded skin due to skin rashes also appears if someone is dousing the area of the skin with a hot liquid causing a burnt patch on the skin. There is peeling of skin layers all over the body especially on the larger parts of the body including the abdomen, legs, and the back.