Why Does My Ankle Hurt? 10 Possible Causes of Ankle Pain

Osteochondral Lesions of The Talus

Osteochondral Lesions of The Talus
Osteochondral Lesions of The Talus

When someone goes through high-energy trauma in their feet, the talus bone may develop what’s known as an osteochondral lesion. This condition can be a complication of an ankle sprain or another injury. It can also happen due to misalignment, overload of the ankles, or instability of the joint.

It features damage to the cartilage of the ankle on top of the talus. In the beginning, it might give out many symptoms until the damage is extensive and it starts to hurt. The pain worsens when patients use articulation in running, jumping, or walking long distances. Sometimes, these patients experience mechanical symptoms such as crepitus and popping sounds.