Why Does My Hand Hurt? 8 Causes of Hand Pain

Aging and other Causes of Hand Pain

Aging and other Causes of Hand Pain
Aging and other Causes of Hand Pain

Age is another factor that can contribute to hand pain. As we age, our bodies start to break down and don’t work as well as they used to. This can lead to pain in the hands, as well as other parts of the body.

Other causes of hand pain include:

  • An infectious disease: We have mentioned septic arthritis, which is an infection in the joint. It causes inflammation and significant hand pain.
  • Hout and pseudogout: They do not only cause pain in the toes. In some cases, patients can also develop gout or pseudogout in the hands or wrists. In the case of gout and pseudogout, patients will have a reduction of movement and redness without systemic signs of infection such as fever.
  • Stenosing tenosynovitis: You may also find this one as De Quervain’s disease. It involves tendon sheath thickening of the thumb’s abductor and long extensor.
  • Dupuytren’s disease: This is a similar disease to stenosing tenosynovitis. It involves thickening of the palmar fascia. The tissue develops fibrosis and starts to affect the range of movement. Patients have tender nodules in the hands and reduced grip strength.
  • Ganglion cysts: The joints in your hands contain liquid between them to avoid rubbing bone against bone. When this liquid accumulates and creates a pouch, a ganglion cyst forms. They are usually located in the wrists and limit their movement. They also cause hand pain when nerve entrapment happens and reduce hand mobility when they interfere with tendons and joints.