Wrist Pain Prevention

How To Prevent Wrist Injuries at The Gym

How To Prevent Wrist Injuries at The Gym
How To Prevent Wrist Injuries at The Gym

If you are a gym adept, wrist injuries are a possibility if you’re careless. A correct lifting technique is fundamental, as mentioned above. However, in the gym, there are slightly different recommendations, and you need to know the most common cause of wrist injuries and how to prevent them. There are three common reasons why people suffer wrist injuries:

  • Lifting improperly: Lifting an object with your wrists bent, or “overhand,” instead of keeping your wrists straight can cause a wrist injury. Sometimes you have to lower the weights to achieve a proper form. In other cases, you’re lifting weights improperly to the starting position, especially when you’re doing shoulder exercises. Whenever possible, help yourself with your legs to lift the dumbbells overhead before starting your shoulder routine.
  • Not using the correct form: Proper form depends on each exercise, which is why you see so many mirrors at the gym. They should be there to help you keep an eye on your form and reduce the risk of injuries. Compare your technique with videos and photos, and ask a personal trainer if you’re unsure about the proper form of a given exercise.
  • Using free weights incorrectly: People often compete with free weights and try to lift heavier every time. But this practice can lead to lifting more weight than you can handle. This is particularly dangerous if you’re using free weights. Keep the load controlled and have realistic expectations of your strength.

Finally, if you experience wrist pain while lifting at the gym, consult a personal trainer who’ll show you how to lift correctly.