Common Foot Pain Diagnosis

Diagnosing Foot Pain Associated With Postural Problems

Diagnosing Foot Pain Associated With Postural Problems
Diagnosing Foot Pain Associated With Postural Problems

Your posture also plays a significant role in leg pain, especially when it comes to your feet because they carry all the weight of your body. However, to study your biomechanics, you probably need to schedule a visit with a podiatrist or an orthopedist. They will examine the slightest angle of your feet and legs to determine if there is a pronated or cavus foot, if there’s a problem in your foot arches, or if another part of your legs is putting excessive pressure on an area of your feet that is not prepared for it.

For instance, most patients with a pronated foot experience pain in the medial longitudinal arch and can also experience pain in the tip of the fibula when there’s an impingement of the calcaneus. They report that symptoms are worse when they stand for a long time, and they have flat feet with no recent changes. They can stay asymptomatic for years but start feeling pain when they change their activity levels. Thus, when your doctor investigates this problem, you will do your homework by thinking previously about changes in physical activity levels and evaluating how the pain starts and how it calms down without medications.