Elbow Pain Treatment

Biceps and Triceps Tendinopathy

Biceps and Triceps Tendinopathy
Biceps and Triceps Tendinopathy

In this condition, the main problem is the biceps or triceps muscle and their tendons. It is usually triggered after strenuous workout sessions. The treatment is generally as follows:

  • Rest from weightlifting: Patients are asked to stop working out their Biceps or triceps in the gym until the tendinopathy heals. In some cases, the tendon is partially torn, and not following rest recommendations results in a complete tear.
  • NSAIDs: Pain usually responds to over-the-counter anti-inflammatories. When it doesn’t, doctors will prescribe stronger painkiller medications.
  • Ice application: It is considered home treatment, but doctors usually recommend doing this to reduce swelling and inflammation in the biceps or triceps tendon.
  • Physical therapy: Depending on your tendon problem, doctors can also prescribe specific exercises to do at home or guided by a physical therapist. Physical therapy recommendations for a complete biceps tendon tear are not the same as those prescribed for tendinitis. Thus, a visit to the doctor is fundamental to know the difference.
  • Surgery: A complete tear can be repaired with surgery. However, it is rarely indicated.