Hand Pain Diagnosis

Tests and Investigation

Tests and Investigation
Tests and Investigation

Even after a very complete physical exam, sometimes doctors may require additional tests to diagnose the problem or confirm their suspicions. These tests and further investigation include:

  • X-rays: It is a helpful tool to diagnose degenerating and overuse problems of the hands. It is ideal for diagnosing trauma, such as subluxations and fractures.
  • Ultrasound scans: An ultrasound can also be helpful in case of closed damage to the ligaments and tendons. Doctors can move through the ligaments and tendons with an ultrasound scan to detect complete or partial tears.
  • Nerve conduction tests: They constitute the best way to diagnose cubital tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome. They are not used by every patient. They are only indicated when the symptoms are not clear.
  • Blood tests: You may also need to run a few blood tests, especially when an inflammatory condition or an infection is suspected. Doctors may recommend a thyroid level check when the main suspicion is carpal tunnel syndrome. After diagnosing a trigger digit, your doctor may also recommend inflammatory markers and glucose tests.