Back pain is a complex symptom that does not come from the same source in all patients. The diagnosis is sometimes obscure, and the imaging studies tell doctors nothing in particular. Thus, treatment is often guided by clinical experience and the signs and symptoms patients display.
The most common medical treatment is painkillers, which most of us know. But doctors can also use antidepressants and antiepileptics to reduce the severity of nerve-related pain. The use of psychotherapy is also an essential part of medical therapy in some cases, and physical therapy can be prescribed, especially in case of weakening of core muscles and after a lesion. Minimally invasive treatment is sometimes required to treat specific lesions, especially after trauma, and when there’s no other resource available, doctors may need to undergo a more complex surgical procedure.
The first diagnostic impression is critical to initiating the proper treatment. Thus, if your pain keeps returning, does not entirely go away, or worsens unexpectedly, don’t hesitate to talk about it to your doctor. You might need specialized treatment along with over-the-counter medications.