Medical Treatment of Wrist Pain
The location, wide range of motion, and constant use of the wrists make this articulation particularly vulnerable to damage. Since the wrist is one of the most important joints, acute and chronic pain can become disabling and reduce the patient’s quality of life. You don’t know how much you use your wrists until they start to hurt.
This symptom can occur for many different reasons. Unfortunately, most people who experience wrist pain are not familiar with the causes or treatment, which can often cause them to suffer needlessly. They often think it is a temporary problem and live with wrist pain for many weeks or months. Then, when they finally come to the doctor, the problem might be even more difficult to fix.
It can be a real hassle, especially if you participate in sports that require a firm grip or wrist flexibility, such as tennis or golf. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for wrist pain, including physical therapy, medication, and surgery. However, you want to start your treatment as soon as possible to get the best results and avoid complications.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the different wrist pain treatment options and discuss when each treatment option is used and how.