Skin Rash Causes In Adults and Children’s

Causes Of Skin Rash In Children’s

Causes Of Skin Rash In Children's
Causes Of Skin Rash In Children’s

Children are especially more prone to develop skin rashes as a result of some skin diseases, such as:

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is one of the common skin rash occurs in toddlers and infants. Diaper rash usually results in staying up for too long in a dirty diaper.


Chickenpox is another cause of skin rashes in children which appear as itchy and red blisters all over the body. Chickenpox is a viral disease and is generally more common among children causing skin rashes along with fever.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection which causes skin rashes in children and a streptococcus bacterium leads to the formation of a toxin resulting in a bright red rash which feels like sandpaper.


Measles is another more frequently occurring cause of skin rashes in children and it is a viral respiratory infection. There is a widespread skin rash occurring due to measles which consists of red and itchy bumps all over the body.