Spider Veins: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Spider veins Medications

Spider veins Medications

Spider veins are a common problem that can be treated with medications. There are several different medications that can be used to treat spider veins, including:


Polidocanol is a sclerosing agent that is injected into the spider veins to cause them to collapse and be absorbed by the body. It is a non-toxic, colorless, and odorless liquid that is used to treat spider veins and small varicose veins. The procedure only takes a few minutes and can be done in the doctor’s office. There is minimal pain and bruising associated with the treatment. Recovery time is short and most people can resume their normal activities immediately.


Sotradecol is a medication that is used to treat spider veins. It works by causing the veins to shrink, which makes them less visible. Sotradecol is typically injected directly into the vein, and the results are typically seen within a few weeks.


Asclera is a sclerosing agent that is used to treat spider veins. It works by causing the blood vessels to shrink and eventually disappear. Asclera is given as an injection, and it usually takes several treatments to achieve the desired results.


Varithena is a prescription medication used to treat spider veins. It is a combination of two medications, polidocanol and bupivacaine. Polidocanol is a type of chemical called a sclerosant. It works by causing the walls of the veins to stick together, which makes them collapse and disappear. Bupivacaine is a type of anesthetic that helps to numb the area around the vein so that you will not feel any pain during or after the treatment.

Sodium tetradecyl sulfate

Sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS) is a chemical that is used to treat spider veins. STS works by causing the spider veins to collapse and disappear. The treatment is quick, easy, and relatively painless. There is no downtime required after the treatment, and patients can return to their regular activities immediately.