Thigh Pain (Meralgia Paresthetica) Diagnosis


In this article, we listed several tests, diagnostic methods, and treatments that your doctor will probably use to diagnose thigh pain. However, keep in mind that every patient is treated individually. In some cases, the diagnosis is apparent from the moment you enter the doctor’s office, and they only need to confirm their suspicions with minimal tests and a brief physical exam. Thus, do not expect your doctor to follow strict rules or order a specific set of diagnostic tests.

As noted above, it is important to come to the doctor as soon as possible if your pain starts after trauma when it is severe and when it is mild but keeps coming back. Early diagnosis can make a big difference in how the disease is treated, and studies show that more successful treatment is received by people who go to the doctor right away.

Although there are many similarities between knee and thigh pain treatments, your doctor may recommend a different option based on your medical history and the type of pain you have. That’s why the diagnosis of thigh pain is fundamental, because in some cases, it may not even be triggered by structures found in your legs.
