Top Knee Pain Causes

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

This is the most common cause of knee pain, and it is a type of pain located in your patella, the frontal part of your knee. It is also called runner’s knee or jumper’s knee because it is commonly found in people who exercise and frequently engage in running or jumping. However, it can also be found in healthy patients.

This cause of knee pain is more common in young women, and the pain it triggers can make it difficult to kneel or climb stairs. Overuse is a common trigger of patellofemoral pain syndrome, and it is said that repeated stress is the leading cause. However, some patients have extra risk factors that increase the likelihood of having this problem, even if they don’t exercise very frequently.

The main risk factor is a misalignment in your legs or a muscular imbalance in your leg muscles. So, if you have problems with your hips or can’t hold a very good posture, you might have a higher risk of patellofemoral pain syndrome than the average. The risk is also increased if you only exercise one muscle pair in your legs and forget the rest.